Getting ready for the journey

The death of La Raine’s dad has impacted our lives like a huge wave, but instead of feeling crushed, we feel the Lord is using this wave to move
us forward into the plans He has for us. After many years of prayer and preparation, God has opened the doors for us to launch back into medical missions work in Asia and the Pacific. We’re planning to move from Huntsville during April or May of 2018. I’ve been invited to work part-time
with YWAM doctors at a Christian-based Urgent Care Clinic in Kona, Hawaii. I will also be doing volunteer work with YWAM’s University of the Nations there. It’s a place our kids can grow in their faith, and I know La Raine will also find many opportunities to use her gifts in that missions training community. The University of the Nations in Kona is an amazing launchpad for Christian missions world-wide and trains students to bring God’s hope and love into some of the least-reached and vulnerable communities on the planet. We have a heart to help restore lives through mercy ministry, encouragement, training/discipleship, and evangelism, and we have a high respect for YWAM, after having worked full-time with them for more than 8 years.
We just shared these plans with our church leadership and missions teams and they are very excited to see God’s calling on our lives fulfilled as we get back “out there” doing more hands-on international missions work. Everyone feels it’s a very good thing for us to be moving close to La Raine’s mom, since she has no other family in Kona. We are sad to leave our family and friends here, especially my mom, but we are thankful everyone understands. This is another leap of faith for us, but we do feel it is the Lord’s calling, so we are trusting in His faithful care to lead us and support each member of our family through the challenges and blessings ahead. Please keep us in your prayers.
We will try to keep everyone informed as we know more details.
Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions, words of wisdom, etc.
Radically His,
Andrew, La Raine, Christian and Lia

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